Monday, April 18, 2011

What's my BIG idea?

Those were my 7 ideas but got narrowed down to these top three:

Masculation of Femininity:

My idea of this project is based off of our metaphor project. What I would do is take Feminine objects and make them masculine. One of my idea is to have brooms and have 2 dressed really girl, while one broom in the middle is very masculine with a tie on.

My reason behind this project is because i want to be a stay at home dad, which is something that is normally seen as a woman's role in society.

Gay Love/ Straight Love:

This idea is based off of modular madness project. What I want to do is take alot of paper clips and on one side use only color paper clips and have them all connecting in a diamond shape. This will eventually fade into gray paper clips which will all connect by squares. This will pretty much be like a curtain to be hung somewhere.

My reason behind this project is that I want to show that even though it's a  different type of love. There is a strength and unity still bonding the color clips together. I don't want it to be an obviously gay piece but I want the meaning to still be there also.

Death of Innocent:

This Idea is also based off the metaphor project. I would want to have a bunch of baby dolls being killed by different sexual objects. Such as a dildo stabbing a baby, or a Vagina eating a baby. This object would most like be installed on to the wall. The materiel would be pretty simple to find.

My Reason for wanting to do this project is in our life time I feel we lose our childhood and the inner child within us. First we learn about pain, and war and suffering, and as we grow older we become less and less ignorant of the world. One of the last thing we do b4 we can never go back to being a child, is having sex. So these baby dying is like the death and innocent in our life dying.

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